I don't think in our history of this nation that things have been so awlful as they are now.
Until you read the Book of Mormon. People who lived long ago flurished and became prosporus and proud. Kind of what has happened in the last decade.
So what can we do to get through the tough times?
Back to the basics... remember Heavenly Father.
Being Grateful for what you have.
Enjoy life and help your neighbor.
I remember one time when I was little , my Grandmother came to our house to make soap.
The lye, fat and other ingredients that smelled so awlful.. I said Grandma" Why don't you just go to the store and buy a bar of soap"?." Oh" she said "Nothing is better than homemade soap" ( if it didn't get it clean then it would eat the stain out).
"But this is Hard" I complained. " Not as hard as what the Pioneers went through".
I remember so distinctly thinking I am glad I am not walking those plains in the winter and would work harder.
Grandma said" Learn to do things by yourself and it will help you through the hard times."
Grandma taught me to pray, to be grateful, to send things to the neighbors.
I have learned to sing, sew,crafts, paint, love genealogy, play the piano, cook , can, quilt, tend and teach children. I am learning to crochet an afghan , play the penny whistle and the violin.
I love to share cooking, ideas,laughter with family,friends and neighbors.
When we moved in our neighborhood, often between us young families we would trade eggs for butter, jam for sugar ( especially on Sundays , determined to keep the Sabbath Day and not go to the store) . These were good times. Why? because we were helping each other out.
I must confess ,that through my course on this earth , I have had my many moments of complaints. I try hard not too but it just sneaks up on me and then it takes something to jog me out of that rut.
Then I remember its not harder then crossing those plains in the winter in bare feet and no coat...
Thanks Grandma,
We are survivors...
Fight Burnout With Wellness
2 days ago